Chances are you or someone you know has had Asbestos exposure in your life. Asbestos has been linked with mesothelioma, a terrible affliction of the lungs, a cancer caused specifically by exposure to the toxic substance known as Asbestos. What’s worse, Asbestos was used as insulation throughout 1970’s, making it present in countless buildings around the United States.
Exposure to it does not guarantee mesothelioma, but its seriousness of it makes it something worth looking out for. Being prepared to recognize and fight Asbestos and mesothelioma, both on the legal front and the medical front could be the right move for you and your loved ones. Whether breathing in Asbestos dust during a renovation in your place of work, or even at your own home, here are a few ways you can know what to do if you’ve had exposure, and want to feel safe once more.
1. Educate yourself on Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma and Asbestos have decades of research linking them together from numerous sources. The sciences behind treatment, diagnosis and prevention are well known in the medical field and have yielded a healthy harvest of options for those suffering from the ailment.
The National Library of Medicine describes that researchers discovered a clear link between asbestos and mesothelioma as early as 1980. In one review, it was shown that asbestos exposure was linked to respiratory failure for those who even worked near the substance. The more you know about the disease and your options should you or a loved one contract it, the better prepared for the trials of mesothelioma you will be.
Another study showed that 7 out of 10 cases of mesothelioma were directly linked to Asbestos exposure, with mortality rates for those with Asbestos-related mesothelioma being as high as 50%. As you can see, it isn’t something to take lightly. Educating yourself on what to expect if you’ve been diagnosed is a key step to preparing yourself to take possible legal recourse to recover from the physical and emotional tolls of mesothelioma.
2. Consider Legal Action
With the significant relationship between Asbestos and mesothelioma, as well as its high mortality rate, it might be the right course of action for you to seek legal counsel. There are many firms that are dedicated to protecting the rights of those exposed to and suffering from Asbestos related mesothelioma.
There are many questions to consider when or if you have mesothelioma from Asbestos exposure. Seeking out experienced legal counsel can help lessen the burden on your or your loved ones. The industries which profited from Asbestos are wealthy, powerful corporations, and in order to protect yourself and receive the justice you deserve, there are professionals who know the ins and outs of handling this specific territory.
Taking legal recourse against corporate giants doesn’t need to be scary; having expert counsel to guide you on your journey will reduce the difficulties and increase your peace of mind. Take some time to look for mesothelioma lawyers to protect your interests.
3. Seek Suitable Pain Relief
If you or a loved one have mesothelioma from Asbestos exposure, the process toward recovery can be painful, both physically and mentally. Knowing what is happening can relieve you on an intellectual level, but physical pain oftentimes will require physical relief through medical intervention.
New medicines and techniques are being developed daily to help those with mesothelioma and other forms of cancer to find relief from the pain incumbent with the disease. CBD oils have been linked to reducing pain for cancer patients since 2017, with research showing that CBD helps patients manage anxiety, digestion, mood, and more as they receive treatment.
Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lungs, and with that comes pain, shortness of breath, and loss of quality of life. Finding relief through the hardship of mesothelioma is a terrible challenge. The availability of CBD is growing in the United States, but be sure to check your local laws if you are considering it as a relief source for yourself or someone you love.
Whether you are going through the trauma of Asbestos-related mesothelioma or not, the threat of exposure is real. Educating yourself on the dangers of this particular form of lung cancer can help you be ready if you or someone you love ends up in this situation. And if that happens, it’s in your best interests to find legal counsel to guide you through the burdens of mesothelioma recovery.