this guide about reading palms
Chiromancy, or palm reading, is an ancient form of divination that involves analyzing the lines, shapes, and mounts on a person’s palm to gain insights into their personality, life, and future.
The practice of palmistry has roots in Hindu astrology, but it also has picked up influences from the Greek, Egyptian, and Chinese philosophies over the centuries.
If you’re interested in learning how to read palms, here’s a beginner’s guide to getting you started.
A Beginner’s Guide About Palm Readings
Palm reading is an art, but it is also a science. It’s a subject that an individual can learn, but some parts of palmistry are also based on intuition and the ability to read between the lines accurately.
An expert palm reader may be able to predict ill health or high-stress levels. However, these ill health and stress symptoms are relieved through correct dietary habits, exercise, yoga, and meditation. The predictions are not rigid; they can change.
The best way to learn about palm readings is to acquaint yourself with the basics of palmistry. The essential elements are explained in further detail below.
The Lines On The Palm
The most important lines in palmistry are the heart line, the headline, the lifeline, and the fate line. Each line represents a different aspect of a person’s life and personality.
- The Heart Line denotes emotions and is found curving from the base of the little finger to the index finger. While some believe it is related to physical love, the heart line relates to how an individual relates to people, and how they wish people to relate to them. The shape of the curve reveals the love style.
- The Head Line begins from the palm edge, stretching below the index finger and finally sitting at the palm center. The headline relates to matters of the mind. Is the person impulsive in decision-making, overthinking, or driven by instinct?
- The Life Line contrary to popular belief, the life line does not indicate a person’s lifespan. However, it shows how anchored the person is to this earth, vitality, and connections to those around them.
- The Fate Line, also called the money line, does not essentially show whether a person is wealthy. Instead, it maps out an individual’s career path. The fate line runs vertically from the wrist to below the index finger.
The Mounts On The Palm
The mounts on the palm are raised areas that correspond to different planets in astrology. The mounts reveal a person’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses.
If you are learning to read palms you should know the following about the mounts;
- Mount of Jupiter, located below the index finger and denotes a person’s personality.
- Mount of Saturn, positioned at the base of the middle finger, represents a person’s career and work path.
- Mount of Mercury is found at the base of the little finger and indicates whether the person has business or merchant traits.
- Mount of Neptune is indicative of a people’s person. It also shows an individual’s connection to the consciousness and subconscious states.
- Mount of Venus lies beneath the thumb. It represents a person’s vitality, strength, and fortitude.
- Mount of Apollo indicates an individual’s talents, creativity, and sensitivity. A well-developed mount of Apollo represents success in the arts, and creativity, while one underdeveloped one reveals an individual who lacks sensitivity and imagination.
The Shape Of The Hand
The hand shape, including the fingers and thumb, also provides insight into a person’s personality and life. Every hand shape is aligned with an element, earth, air, fire, and water.
- Earth Hands reveals an individual who is practical, logical, and grounded. This individual is reliable, calm, and secure. The palm appears square-shaped, firm, and solid.
- Fire Hands represents an individual with large palms and short fingers. This individual is driven by passion, confidence, and resourcefulness. They are sometimes headstrong and clearly define love or hate.
- Air Hands are rectangular with elongated fingers. Individuals possessing air hands are curious, analytical, easily distracted, and need their own space.
- Water Hands, like those persons associated with the water element, water hand individuals are imaginative, intuitive, creative, and emotional. These individuals have elongated fingers with narrow, longish palms.
Palm reading is a fascinating practice that several ancient cultures have been using for centuries. The lines, mounts, hand, and finger shapes reveal an individual’s personality, life, and future.
Although this beginner’s guide to palm reading has provided a solid foundation with the basics of palmistry, you should remember that an individual’s life can change. Palm reading is merely a guide along this path we call life.
With continued study and practice of this art, you can develop your skills and use your newfound knowledge to improve your life and those around you. So go ahead and embrace the power of palmistry, and start reading palms today!