Eggs are a fundamental foodstuff for developing countries. The greater the distance between producer and consumer, the more complex the marketing organization is required to ensure that eggs reach consumers in the form, place, and time desired. The egg supply business also known as the egg distribution business involves the sourcing and supply of eggs to individuals, supermarkets, hotels, shops, and companies. The egg distribution business for sale is a great option to earn by the distribution of eggs. The Egg Distribution business is all about buying eggs directly from farms and reselling them at wholesale price to retailers, individuals
Market research for selling eggs:
For any business, the customers are the main attraction for the sellers so the most important is to analyze where you can take eggs at the wholesale rate. If you analyze the market, you will know that in every 5 or 10 km radius, you will get a poultry farm for the business proposal. You can talk to them, and they sell eggs at a very cheap rate. You have to do simple market research to determine who will buy fresh eggs from you and at what price, you will want to think about potential customers in your area.
Places to find the customers:
A bakery or cake-makers is the best place where you can sell and distribute eggs at a high rate. You can also sell eggs to Caterers, small breakfast restaurants, Farm and feed stores, and at small grocery or convenience stores because they can make the best of your customers who can buy your eggs daily as they are one of the necessary nutritious foods. For years, the Baby Boomer generation has been the most important demographic group for poultry and egg companies to target as customers. While Baby Boomers still make up a large group, the poultry industry needs to also market to another group known as the Millennials. You can also generate sales from the farm, Door-to-door sales/street hawking, and Sales to any local retail shops. In urban areas, egg sales are made through retailers. Four types of retailers usually carry eggs in their shops. Poultry shops where only eggs and poultry are sold; Food shops specializing in eggs, poultry, cheese, butter, meat, and fish; General food shops and supermarkets selling all kinds of foods and
household goods; and meat markets where all types of meat are sold and eggs are also offered for sale.
So start with a small number of customers and increase your customer base with success load up your work van if You want to make sure that you satisfy your customers. Don’t over-promise on the number of eggs you can sell. In addition, don’t set your egg price/dozen too low. Make sure you can make a profit over time.