Viral factors
Colds are one of the most common diseases, especially during the winter. Colds are caused by viruses, as there are about 200 different types of viruses that can cause cold symptoms. The most prominent of these viruses are rhinoviruses, which are considered the most common in causing cold attacks. Colds often occur as a result of these viruses penetrating the upper respiratory tract, leading to annoying symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, and coughing.
Methods of transmission
Cold infections can be easily transmitted from one person to another. This is done through droplets of coughing or sneezing, as virus particles can fly into the air and enter another person’s respiratory tract. Transmission can also occur by touching contaminated surfaces, then touching the face, especially the nose or mouth. Common transmission surfaces include door handles, public transportation, and shared tools.
The likelihood of infection increases in crowded places such as schools and offices, especially when direct contact with others is ongoing. The prevalence of colds varies in different seasons, and is most common in winter, which is the season when viruses spread.
In general, it is recommended to follow simple measures such as washing hands frequently, avoiding direct contact with infected people, and cleaning surfaces periodically to reduce the chances of infection. Given the nature of viruses and the flow of symptoms, it is important for individuals to be careful during periods of colds to avoid catching or being associated with the infection.