“Our Skin Is Just Our Covering Like Wrapping Paper”
Editor’s Note: This piece is by our after-school kindergarten teacher, Rebekah Shactel at Ossiningchildrenscenter.com.
This article shows how we can discuss subjects like race and identity, even with five-year-olds.
At the beginning of each school year, there are two books I read to my kindergarteners: “Colors of Us,” by Karen Katz, and “Shades of People” by Shelli Rotner and Sheila M. Kelly. Both books talk about all the different colors that people can be.
One of the books makes an interesting distinction; we are not really different colors, but different shades of the same color. One of the books said something that this year’s class loved, “Our skin is just our covering like wrapping paper. And, you can’t tell what someone is like from the color of their skin.”
After we read the books, the kids work on a project: their “little people.” Each child gets a plain person-shaped handout, and then we look through all of our skin toned pencils to see which one matches each child. There were some very interesting discussions while we were coloring. “Why don’t the pencils match us exactly?” “Why are we different colors?”
Once their little people are all colored in, the kids get their little people dressed, and create their faces and hair. Between bow ties, pink hair, suspenders, and sparkly noses, our little people are looking good! They will hang up in our classrooms, and remain there until our last day of school – our first project together, and the final piece of artwork sent home.
The following studies show that children in integrated classrooms are less likely to drop out, more likely to enroll in college, and earn higher test scores:
- R. A. Mickelson, “Twenty-first Century Social Science Research on School Diversity and Educational Outcomes,” Ohio State Law Journal 69, (2008): 1173–228.
- G. J. Palardy, “High school socioeconomic segregation and student attainment,” American Educational Research Journal, 50, no. 4 (2013): 714.
- G. J. Palardy, “Differential school effects among low, middle, and high social class schools,” School Effectiveness and School Improvement 19, 1 (2008): 37.
- NAEP Data Explorer, National Assessment for Educational Progress, 2017, http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/; C. Lubienski and S. T. Lubienski,
- “Charter, private, public schools and academic achievement: New evidence from NAEP mathematics data,” National Center for Study of
Privatization in Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, January 2006.
The Ossining Children’s Center creates a foundation for children’s lifelong intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth. We provide care and education for children in a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment. We also serve as a community resource and advocate for families.