Many people make the mistake of choosing a career when leaving school that they have little knowledge or understanding about. Sinking many years into a career that you have decided is not really for you shouldn’t be seen as a waste of time or, for that matter, a life sentence.
If you feel that you have made a mistake for whatever reason, be bold and honest with yourself, then make the right move and get that career that you are secretly yearning for.
Yet to have the right qualifications to move
Feeling that you do not have the right qualifications to push yourself and sell your skills either in your present job role or, for that matter, seeking employment elsewhere, then make the move to learn. This can be a daunting task, but nobody is too old to start learning and bettering their circumstances.
It is likely if you have been stuck in a job for a long time, that you have a desired job role in mind. Do your research and find out what qualifications you will require to get you to fill those shoes. It will be worth doing even if you have a long educational climb to your desired career level.
Before you start applying to colleges or universities, you may want to check whether your current grades (or those that you hope to obtain) will be good enough for the courses you have in mind. There is a very handy tool on that can help you see if what you have will be good enough or whether you will have to put in more work, effort, and study to improve your grades and therefore gain access.
A dead-end job is no good for anyone
Many people are stuck in dead-end jobs – but of course, if you are comfortable getting job satisfaction and fulfillment as well as the correct pay for the way that you wish to live, then this is ok. However, for most, it certainly isn’t. A lot of people find that there is little in the way of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
Instead, find that they are constantly doing the same tasks over and over again with little to joy or praise from their peers. This can have detrimental effects on that person’s well-being, engagement, and morale within their workplace, and if this is how you feel, then you are purely working from one payday to the next and need something more in your working life.
Constantly being passed over for promotion
Feeling like you are doing your best for your managers and the company you work for, but it just isn’t good enough to get noticed or get that much-desired promotion. Being passed over for promotion time and time again is another warning sound that it is time to move on. If you have been passed over more times than you care to remember, then you are going to have to realize that your managers want to keep you exactly where you are.
On the positive side, it could be because you are so good at your job that nobody else will be able to do it as well. Although more likely, it is that they feel there are far more qualified or experienced people for the job role or the fact that these individuals that do get promotions make more fuss and are louder than you at voicing their opinions or singing themselves praises.