Technology and internet are on an all-time rise. For many young individuals, this is a great thing as they desire to keep themselves up to date with the latest technology.
Most companies these days make products targeting the youth or the middle-aged people. They, however, seem to be neglecting a very crucial part of the audience which consists of the senior citizens.
As we grow older, our concentration and mobility decrease and we can no longer keep up with technologies as we used to in our younger days. Similar is the case with the senior citizens as it is very hard to keep up with the last technological advancements.
Considering such situations, many companies have made products specifically for the use of senior citizens or the elderly.
Many products such as Grandpad which is a tablet and Jitterbug Smart 2 which is a smartphone, have been launched over the years which have been targeting elderly people. However, Sirona.TV – A companion for 75+ seniors (like Alexa for Seniors) easier to use Grandpad & Jitterbug Smart 2 from Great Call.
Here are the various reasons why Sirona TV is better and more efficient than Grandpad and Jitterbug Smart2:
1. Sirona TV takes care of the qualities which any technological gadget should have according to the needs and requirements of the senior citizens as it is easy to operate and is user-friendly.
Due to the large fonts and organized categories to choose from, it makes the senior citizen use the device more easily. Also, the categories are written in a straight forward and crisp manner which gains their attention instantly.
2. It provides the best connectivity as per the senior citizens as, in smartphones, it is shorter in size and has smaller fonts which are hard to read and also hard to type for them whereas the tablet is comparatively bigger in size but is hard to carry everywhere.
A senior citizen can just sit in front of the Sirona TV and operate it according to their needs as it has all the features that a normal smartphone ranging from a family album, healthy videos, games, weather, contacts and much more.
3. Unlike smartphones and tablets who have a lot of features that are a bit hard to use or are very technologically advanced, Sirona TV has simple and easy to use features. They keep in mind that senior citizens need products that are easy to learn and require no stress while operating the gadget.
4. Also, Jitterbug Smart 2 who only provides the senior citizen with PERS(Personal Emergency Health System) and Grandpad who doesn’t offer both PERS and Alexa like a companion, Sirona TV offers both the services along with medical reminders, health vital and RPM(Remote Patient Monitoring).
5. When compared to Jitterbug and the Grandpad on the basis of cost, Sirona TV is the most cost-efficient as it provides services on $149 upfront and $15 per month and it uses home internet.
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