When using notary stamps Illinois, you have a few different options. For example, you can use a pre-inked stamp, which will allow you to stamp the document immediately. However, if you want to ensure that your impressions are clean, you should consider using a self-inking stamp. This will help you ensure that you are not bleed-marking the document in the future. If you need help determining which stamp to use, check out the videos showing you how to use both stamps.
Notary Seal
There are several ways to use a notary stamp. They are typically used in conjunction with a seal that is embossed or legible. The seal must be rectangular, not more than two inches in diameter, and two-and-a-half inches long. It should be legible and embossed by an embossing stamp or seal press. The imprints from the stamp or seal must be legible and indelible.
A notary stamp may include different types of information. The name of a person, business, or record may be included on the seal. Other information may also be included on the seal.
Notary Embosser
Notary stamps are used in a variety of ways. They can be used as seals, as well as for affixed documents. They must be legible and contain the notary’s name, county of residence, and state of the office. In addition, they must use indelible ink pads.
There are a variety of notary stamps, including those made with an embosser. The embosser is a metal clamping device that produces a raised indentation in the document. It is usually round in shape and was the primary document authentication method before introducing rubber stamps. This type of seal is not easily photographically reproduced but is useful when document verification is needed.
Self-inking Stamps
Self-inking notary stamps are made of re-inkable ink pads and are ideal for repetitive, rapid stamping. The open mount base helps to align stamp impressions, and the stamps comply with state manufacturing laws and regulations. They are also convenient to use, with a two-sided ink pad that is easy to clean and reuse.
The self-inking notary stamp is ideal for efficient stamping of the notary seal. Its design and imprint will produce a crisp, clear impression on thousands of notarized documents. However, not all states require this type of stamp, so it’s important to check state pages carefully to ensure you can use the stamp in your jurisdiction. In addition, individual states may require a different stamp body size, so you must choose one compatible with the specific state.
Trial Impressions
Before using a notary stamp, make trial impressions on blank paper to check the ink thickness and amount of pressure you need to apply to produce a clean, legible impression. The ink can smear the document and miss vital information if the ink is too light or heavy. If this happens, your notarization is nullified.
To make a good stamp impression, the notary should use dark ink. Darker ink will produce a more apparent stamp impression, showing all relevant information on the document. Trial impressions with notary stamps can be created using a notary software program.
Online Notary Stamps
Online notary stamps are a great alternative to conventional notary stamps. They can be used for as long as your commission is active. However, they can be used with caution because an incorrect design, ink color, or information on the notary stamp can invalidate the notarization act. Therefore, it is essential to check the notarization rules in your state before using an online notary stamp.