Traffic-related fatalities are up 16% from last year in Connecticut. Unfortunately, Connecticut drivers aren’t immune to these accidents.
Unfortunately, most of the accidents are preventable. In most cases, they are caused by negligence, which means motorists fail to follow the rules and remain attentive while behind the wheel.
The concept of negligence can be hard to grasp and even more challenging to prove. Because of this, if you are involved in an accident, it’s a good idea to seek advice and guidance from Connecticut car accident lawyers. You can also learn more about negligence in a car accident claim here.
Negligence Defined
If you know anything about negligence, you know it plays a huge role in car accidents and legal cases. However, what you may not know is what this means in the eyes of the law.
Negligence refers to how much care a normal person would act or what they would do in the same situation. Negligence involves actions and omissions when a duty exists.
When a lawyer or judge works to determine if an action is negligent, they try to determine if there was any way to predict that a specific action or inaction would cause harm. Even though this is challenging to determine in many cases, it’s usually evident in car accident situations.
Types of Negligence That Take Place in Car Accidents
Negligence is seen in many forms while on the road. Sometimes, drivers engage in several types of this at once, putting other motorists at an even higher risk of injury. Some of the most common types of negligent behavior that occur while driving include:
Texting While Driving
In the past 10 years, texting has turned into one of the most common and devastating types of negligence on the road. In fact, according to data from NHTSA, it takes drivers five seconds to read or send a text. While that may not seem like long, it means you aren’t looking at the road for the length of a football field. It isn’t surprising that texting is now involved in every one out of four accidents that occur today.
Unfortunately, the use of smartphones behind the wheel takes other forms than just texting today. Many negligent motorists may browse through Instagram or send a Snapchat video while they are driving. These behaviors are often more distracting and deadly than texting.
If a driver does not abide by the posted speed limits, they won’t be able to respond to hazards promptly. Speeding may also occur if the road conditions aren’t considered. For example, driving 60 mph is fine for a sunny day, but driving that fast can prove deadly and be a source of negligence in snowy or rainy conditions.
Alcohol or Drug Use
It’s estimated that each day about 30 people are killed in the U.S. by a drunk driving accident. Even smaller amounts of alcohol can impact your reaction time and cause drivers to be more aggressive or reckless while behind the wheel.
Drunk driving is unique and may result in traffic, civil, and criminal cases. A civil lawsuit gives you the chance to get justice while drunk drivers avoid criminal charges. This is possible if the driver’s BAC was below the legal limit when the accident occurred.
Proving Negligence in Your Car Accident Case
Proving negligence can be challenging. Because of this, it is recommended that you seek representation from Connecticut car accident lawyers. They will work to ensure the at-fault party is proven negligent and that you receive the compensation deserved.
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