home remedies for diabetes, Diabetic, diabetes
When it comes to managing diabetes, many different approaches can be taken by different individuals. Some people prefer to take medication to control their blood sugar levels, while others rely on natural remedies or dietary interventions.In this post, we will explore some of the home remedies for diabetes and provide tips on how to use them safely. It’s important to understand that not all home remedies for diabetes are safe.Therefore, some may cause severe effects and should not be used without first consulting healthcare providers with experience in natural home remedies for diabetes. Before using any home remedies, it is also important to track blood sugar levels regularly to ensure that diabetes is effectively managed.
Types of Diabetes
There are two types of diabetes;
- Type I diabetes
- Type II diabetes
Let’s get more details about these two types of diabetes.
Type I Diabetes
Type I diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes because it usually occurs in people whose ages are below 20 years. This type of diabetes makes the body completely or partially fail to produce insulin hence autoimmune disease.
Type I diabetes makes the immune system attack the pancreas where the insulin is produced, limiting the pancreas to produce enough or no insulin. This type of diabetes can only be controlled by having a healthy lifestyle but cannot be prevented.
Type II Diabetes
Type II diabetes is the most common type of diabetes around the world. It mostly happens to people above 40 years. Type II diabetes is caused because of insulin resistance.
In that case, the pancreas produces enough insulin, but the body doesn’t respond to it effectively. This is resulted by hormone imbalance, being overweight, poor dietary plans, high blood pressure, too much stress, and medications.
Unlike type I diabetes which can only be controlled but cannot be prevented, type II diabetes can be reversed.
Other types of Diabetes include;
· Monogenic diabetes
· Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes
· Gestational diabetes
What are Home Remedies for Diabetes?
Home remedies for diabetes are a great way to manage the disease without having to go to the doctor. Here are natural home remedies for diabetes that can help keep it under control.
Manage Carb Intake
A diabetic patient’s body does not use or make insulin well. Insulin is a hormone that helps sugar (glucose) get into cells to give them energy. Too much sugar stays in the bloodstream when there is little or no insulin in the body.
Over time, having too much sugar in the bloodstream can cause serious problems such as heart attack, kidneys, eyes, teeth, gums, and nerves.
Diabetes can be controlled by managing carb intake and taking a portion of healthy food. Carbohydrates are found in different foods, including pieces of bread, cereals, starchy vegetables, legumes, fruits, milk, and yogurt. When we eat foods that contain carbohydrates, the body breaks them down into blood sugar. Managing carb intake can help in keeping blood sugar levels on target.
This is an herb with several impacts on the body. Fenugreek is known to keep diabetes in track while lowering blood sugar levels it improves glucose tolerance and stimulates insulin secretion.
Soak two spoons of fenugreek seeds in water for about 8-24 hours and drink it plus its seed in the morning while on empty stomach.
As one of the natural home remedies, fenugreek will help lower the glucose level in the body.
Eat More Fiber
A high-fiber dietary plan has been proven to help control blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest.
It aids in slowing down the absorption of other types of carbohydrates, which helps to keep blood sugar levels from rising too high after a meal.
A fiber-rich diet may also help protect against heart disease and lower cholesterol levels.
Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd or karela is an age-old remedy for diabetes. It is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, and C. It also contains minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Bitter gourd increases insulin sensitivity and helps to regulate blood sugar levels.It is also a good source of dietary fiber, which helps to regulate digestion and blood sugar levels. Bitter gourd can be consumed in the state of a smoothie or as a sabzi.
Cinnamon lowers fasting blood sugar levels and may decrease hemoglobin A1C. Many studies have shown that cinnamon is perfect for reducing blood sugar levels. For instance, 543 people with type II diabetes taking cinnamon had a decrease of over 24 mg/dL (1.33mol/L).
Studies investigating the effects of cinnamon on hemoglobin A1C have yielded conflicting results from study to study. Some studies show no effect, while others report a significant decrease in hemoglobin A1C.
The presence of bioactive compounds in it can help fight and prevent diabetes.
Portion Control
Portion control is another home remedy for diabetes and is a critical way of managing diabetes. Eating in small portions controls blood sugar levels and avoids spikes throughout the day. Diabetic patients should note that it’s important to pay attention to what is eaten and how much it’s eaten.
Portion control doesn’t have to mean eating less food. It simply means being mindful of the amount of food they’re consuming and making sure it’s in line with their goals. If a person want to lose weight, for example, be advised to eat smaller portions than someone who is trying to maintain their weight.
Below are some tips for managing portion sizes;
- Eat slowly
- Try to keep a food journal
- Weigh and measure portions
- Check the serving sizes and read food labels before buying them
- Use small plates
- Keep off from all-can-eat hotels