Did you know – how to use WordPress’ fewer plugins for page speed? The WordPress’ speed stats are critical for user experience, rankings, and performance; so needless to say, you’ll need to take WordPress speed measures serious for WordPress improvements.
In this write-up, we’re going to explore different ways to use fewer plugins for WordPress page speed. The story boils down to cutting down on the number of plugins in a WordPress site. Let’s find without further ado, how to cut down WordPress’ plugins and improve page speed.
How to Use Fewer Plugins for WordPress Speed?
1. Plugins vs Manual approach
Plugins are scripts, pieces of software for WordPress, or Tools That help WordPress users extend WordPress’ functionality without learning how to code. On the other hand – performing manual routines is opposite and is a different story.
In manual routines, users need to have manual expertise of what they wanted to achieve. If not, manual routines could make their sites in-accessible. For speed, manual routines help you cut down on the number of WordPress plugins though requires extensive knowledge of WordPress’ infrastructure.
In this case – see if you can fix, avail, or try out WordPress tweaks without using a plugin. Here – you need to use and test options on a staging site. A staging site provides a lab for trying out WordPress experiments. If went successful, you can apply experiments on a live site; reject if things don’t seem prominent on staging infrastructure.
How, building a staging site in WordPress and identifying key areas That need assistance to improve WordPress page speed require Time, money, and expertise. If possible, ask for developers’ assistance if any, affordable, and accessible for a few dollars. Here – let’s explain what manual routines you should tweak in to improve WordPress page speed without using extra plugins:
· Using a better web hosting That provides fast speed – helping you overlook using speed plugins in WordPress
· Inserting code snippets manually in Templates’ headers and footers. Usually, beginners sign up for installing separate plugins for the said purpose; however, it requires the knowledge of inserting, changing, and editing WordPress files manually.
· Taking care of WordPress dashboard for minor tweaks That affect page speed. For example, turning off un-necessary snippets in Screen Options helps users improve page speed without plugins.
2. More features in a Single Plugin
The plugins packed with different options fall under Hybrid plugins, in simple words. Using such plugins, you can accomplish various Tasks while using fewer plugins for improved page speed. Here – keep in mind, you can find hybrid plugins in the WordPress Plugins Directory, or use premium platforms like Themeforest.
How – the question That arises in the minds of most of us is – how to find and use hybrid plugins? Once you’re on the sales page of a plugin, see if the plugin’s features include multiple features you need. If yes, you can test the plugin for a final decision, you can also skip looking at other options, if the features list don’t seem promising to you.
As described above, the testing infrastructure is based on a staging site, which provides interface to test WordPress’ plugins without affecting live sites. In this case, here is a list of hybrid plugins for WordPress:
· JetPack – helps users tighten WordPress security, see Analytics, and take automated site backups
· Up Draft Plus – generally used for site backups, but helps users upload site backups to remote locations, such as Google Drive or Drop Box.
· PDF Embedded – Helps users quickly insert PDF documents in WordPress pages and posts; however, users can use PDF Embedded for inserting other documents, too – such as DOC and Images.
· Performance Based Plugins – Plugins like Performance Lab help users improve speed, optimize Content, take backups, and improve WordPress’ overall performance.
3. WordPress Support Services
WordPress support services or Teams provide WordPress assistance for a fixed fee. In such scenarios, outsourcing of WordPress management helps businesses save Time, money, and do Things by using experts’ opinions.
In this case, WordPress support Teams can also help you keep WordPress speed optimized. You can find such teams on Google or the sites you see for reviews. Once signed up, a small fee on a monthly basis is charge for the services, depending on what you ask them to do. You can also see if the service proves a one-Time fee for fixing WordPress gaps. So, the case regarding speed is no different. Ask a team first before you have signed up for a plan and see if the deal makes sense to your business success.
Here – you can clearly understand if overlooking WordPress plugins for speed is ideal with support teams. Definitely, one in charge, you can see the different with support professionals, instead of using several plugins for speed, performance, and WordPress tweaks for WordPress speed.
Here is a list of Teams for WordPress support:
· WP Helper
· WP Buffs
· WP Tech Support
· WP Supporters
· Fix Runners
If a Team provides custom plans, ask for a list of custom Tasks if any. For example – if you can compile a list of Tasks WordPress should be monitored for, better to give them while you are availing their custom plans. The said option is more ideal for Teams That support users’ custom lists, instead of imposing pre-defined list of WordPress tasks.
So, you learned how to use fewer plugins for WordPress speed and performance. Decreasing plugins requires Technical expertise, manual routines, and assistance from WordPress developers.
Those who are new to WordPress, changing infrastructure could return errors, gaps, and site takeovers. So, instead of making Things happen, try to ask for Developers’ assistance. You can also hire Support Team specialists for assistance. For more information on changing WordPress plugins, speeding up WordPress, or site analytics, refer to official manners of Themes or Plugins you are using.
Last but not least, give a try to manual routines to speed up WordPress. For example, using GT Metrix data, you can see the areas That affect your site’s speed. Using their manuals and suggestions, you can improve WordPress speed.